A place of refuge redemption resurgence
A place of
refuge redemption resurgence
Harbor Church Honolulu
Harbor Church West Oahu
Harbor Church North Shore
Harbor Church Waipahu
About the Harbor ‘Ohana
A harbor is a place of refuge where boats can take shelter from the stormy seas. It’s also a place of redemption where boats can be restored and made new. But a harbor isn’t just a place for boats to come and stay. It’s also a place of resurgence, equipping small boats to go out and cross big oceans.
Those three functions of a harbor are also the three main functions of our church as we seek to bless our island. Our vision is to be a place of refuge, redemption, and resurgence for Oahu. This vision flows from our core values of gospel, community, and mission, all for the sake of God’s glory. 1 Peter 2:4-5 encapsulates this vision well:
As you come to him [gospel], a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house [community], to be a holy priesthood [mission], to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ [glory].
As an ‘ohana of interdependent local congregations, we are united in this vision.